Friday, March 12, 2010

The results

of last exams have been just revealed; I have 31 credits more to take next year (Apr. 2010-Mar. 2011). Although the things are not that easy like I expected, but still it is very possible to graduate next year. The plan that I will be flying around the world in the last semester (Oct.2010-Mar.2011) is hopeless, though :-(

What I have to do now is
*write applications, CVs and essays as many as possible
*get a job at least until the end of April
(*pull my wisdom tooth out)
*pass at least 7 or 8 exams of next semester (Sep.2010)
*pass 2 compulsory exams (Civil Law 3rd, European Political History) at this time of next year
*then just graduate on Mar. 2011

Hmm, it seems not so busy once I get a job, but it is a long way to reach the goal. I really want to kick this deadly hectic schedule out...