Thursday, February 18, 2010

A Wisdom Tooth

I started to suffer from a terrible pain of a wisdom tooth suddenly yesterday. Busy as I was because of a pile of exams, I managed to make time to see a dentist, who was ranked No.1 around Hongo (on the Internet evaluation), where my university is located. I have found it rooted at the most difficult place in mouth, and it seemed that I would have to 'bear this unbearable pain' at this hectic moment for the coming next several days with quite 'nice' exams. Why do I have to get sick , not a usual cold, terribly like this every time I have exams, even though I do not study that much? I have an appointment tomorrow too. Gosh, does the God want me to realize the importance of health so frequently like this? Please, it is enough. Does not He know that I am always relieved to see myself in a mirror every morning recently and thank (from the bottom of my heart) everything in this world for giving me again 'today', another day to live? Anyway, I am still alive very well. I am! I am grateful to Him for this. If I have to choose a certain pain from this one or that one, I will definitely take this one, a wisdom tooth. I am blessed so much. I am taking an operation asap. Thanks for reading. I have got positive. Please do not worry about me! I will be glad to report how the things go, for those who have not experienced the wisdom tooth operation!