Tuesday, September 21, 2010




Saturday, September 18, 2010



Thursday, September 9, 2010

funny articles

Burn Before Reading - What's the best way to set fire to a book?

We Didn't Start the Fire - You aren't responsible for Quran burners. Don't hold Muslims responsible for 9/11.

- 9/11 is coming anyway this year too. The would-be burner seems supposed to burn in the end, but this does not really matter to me, almost to nobody and to all Muslims in the world. So, let me call all the Muslims in the world (in this tiny and unknown personal blog!) to be matured enough not to care about them and just to ignore it. Just appreciate what the would-be burner claims, as he gives us a chance again and again to think of these issues lying above us. Or, this is just going to provide a good material to be studied for so-called Middle Eastern Studies scholars.

Oh, I do not agree all they are saying in the articles above, but I just found some parts of them a bit funny.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


 日本の若者の内向化が著しいと叫ばれて久しいが、日本の新卒就職活動文化や「入院」と揶揄される文系の大学院進学への忌避感、奨学金制度の不備など一朝一夕に改善できるわけではない社会的な諸問題を考えれば、後期教養学部や工学部などを除いて他に大学が公式に学部生を海外大学に送り出す制度をもたない(日本の最高高等教育機関とされている)東京大学の、この全学部生に開かれた唯一の短期交換留学制度であるIARU GSPは、授業料分の経済的援助を含めて評価されて然るべきだと思われるし、また私自身も非常に感謝している。以下、私が参加したカリフォルニア大学バークレー校における"Media Culture and Society in the Middle East"のセッションについて述べる。

 私自身一年間アラブ地域に留学していたこと、イスラームやいわゆる中東学について個人的な興味が強く、ある一定程度の知識と経験を有していたことや思想の偏向等が影響するのかどうか定かではないが、講義の内容、質、レベルとしては日本で言うカルチャーセンターないし教養番組のそれに留まり、仮に講義が私の母語である日本語で展開されていたならば、何人かの学生のように授業中ネットサーフィンに甘んじていたかも知れない。しかし、オックスフォードのPh.D candidateであるメインの講師や、その他華々しい経歴をCV上において持っているその他のゲスト講師の実際を含めて、アメリカ(ないし英語圏)の大学学部教育やアメリカの中東学のあり方の一端を垣間見ることができたことが、当初からの目的でもあったが何よりの収穫で、「聞いて理解して考え自分の意見を持つ」という段階まではおそらく相対的にも満足に達成できたことが今後の自分の将来に積極的な意味を持つことは間違いない。ただ、ネイティブ英語話者であるクラスメートらとのグループワークでは、議論の内容はほぼ理解できても、英語圏在住経験がなく、英語のスピーキング能力の向上に尽力してきたわけでもない私にとって、自分の持つ意見をそのまま伝達することは非常に困難であったし、そもそも(おそらく日本語文化と英語文化における)問いの立て方や思考回路の相違によっても、それに対して不慣れであると自身の思考力がかなり規定されることにフラストレーションを感じたが、これもある程度の慣れと努力があればそれなりに向上されるだろうという見通しが立ったことは非常に有意義だった。


Monday, September 6, 2010






Sunday, September 5, 2010

what am I waiting for?

I am definitely waiting for that the time just passes. I keenly feel like that especially after turning twenty. Not for that the hot one shows up to me - putting the current one aside - nor traveling abroad after the nasty finals nor graduating nor starting a job nor doing a big thing in the future nor...

Holding a reunion is nice. Get to know people, say good-bye to them saying "let's keep in touch", and say sometimes hi to each of them saying also "miss you" (by the way Japanese does not have an equivalent phrase to "miss s.o." thus they never say that at least in Japanese, but as far as I know English, French and Arabic speaking people do a lot) , whether or not they really miss him/her. Each of us is busy at dealing with everyday stuffs, meanly, living our own lives. No one cannot live your own life instead of you, which is a crucial fact but easily sometimes overlooked. Who cares? Of course he does, she does and they do, (they definitely say "congratulation" to your birthday, to your graduation or to your wedding, but who really matters to your life? A very few of them do or no one else actually does eventually. The thing is how we can manage to bear this unbearable, ultimate and long-lasting - till literally the end of the life - solitude, but still we need someone to be related with each of us and involved in our own each lives, which is pretty hard for most of us actually, even if s/he has a millions of facebook friends and is very good at networking though. Then, let's say, on behalf of nobodies, I am waiting for that something which gets me involved with more people in a more depth, excites me and thrills me happens but I know nothing will actually happen to me, who is one of the nobodies in the world, however, the problem is that I am still hoping then I seem to be waiting for something, but I am doing nothing in the end, although I know I cannot dare take the others' credits and I am not a good person to be satisfied with the others' happiness; my ego is big enough to be beyond my control.

Seems I am really good at waiting for the time passes and becoming sentimental, saying "how time flies" whenever possible. Was not it me who have wanted the time to pass quickly?

- Dear readers, forget this nonsense, incoherent post! No comment! I do not want to look back on what I have been thinking either, but this nobody posts this just because she wrote; an accumulation of nothing :)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

getting out of the reality - the finals


The funny thing here in these comments is, which is kind of quite often observed though, that in spite of the fact that SamB88 does not mention at all what he believes in or where he lives now at least in this article (he might do in the other articles), MuslimMan below SamB88's comment is somehow pretty sure that SamB88 is Christian and lives in somewhere of the so-called "Islamic land". What SamB88 says could be somewhat true and might be able to applied to certain kinds of people (we can easily find so many articles written in Arabic by Arab-Muslims that warn them, Muslims, not to repeat "the theatrical swoons; the quavering boasts; the exaggerated piety", which even could be seemed as one of typical jokes at this time of the year in Arab region), but I really miss those who I know are spending "nicely" their Ramadan.