Monday, January 31, 2011


が見えないのは自業自得とはいえ堪えますな。綱渡りをいつから趣味に。松子化だけは避けるべし。頑張れ、自分、大丈夫だ、إن شاء الله だ。

Friday, January 28, 2011

failed :/

MOFA went to all the trouble of informing me that I would not be able to attend the conference held in Abu Dhabi in March...Here comes low possibility to have any trip to visit my most beloved area again? Supposed so. Well it is not time to think about 'after the exams', despite of not knowing if I would be able to graduate :/ 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011




Tuesday, January 25, 2011






Wednesday, January 19, 2011



Tuesday, January 18, 2011

go into/get out of hibernation?

So many things are happening out there in the Middle East; beyond my capability to follow the news, Tunisia, Sudan, Lebanon and Iraq. Then here, it is time to stop procrastinating about preparing for the finals. Whether or not I can graduate this spring does matter much more than those sorts of news do. Sorry, the world, I'll be back later :/

Whoa, which means I'm coming out of hibernation or going into it? The problem is which is the cave for me...I have never been in the actual world probably.

Going for lunch, having the cheapest curry at law students' cafeteria. (=$2.00)

Sunday, January 16, 2011



Saturday, January 15, 2011

casual happy bday?

It has been long since mobile phones started to notify us every single friend's birthday automatically and nowadays facebook does. Anniversaries are no longer to be remembered anymore but to be saved? But no wonder not a few of birthdays of my old friends never go away from my mind - including those who I was seeing in the past and who I was in unrequited love with hundreds of thousands of years ago. I do not think anything has changed at least in my case, but just terrifying to imagine that I am classifying and categorizing each birthday of those who I know without intention, if I leave them on a software or I memorize. Wonder how many number I can call without seeing any address book and with how many people I can meet up again even if I lose all the connection. How many of them try to search for me in this vast world without any contact? It is me who really knows that I am not deserved to ask the others to do so.

Tunisia - 革命。乱闘。似つかわしくない日本人。アラブ世界の政治的空洞が乗り越えられたらアラビア語ないしアラブ文化を学ぶモチベーションがやや下がる。南スーダンのこともあるし。今年はすごい。

Friday, January 14, 2011

pissed off

As you all know, generally speaking, customer service over all in France and Italy really sucks people. I still have been actually struggling to get my refund from several things. They are just around EUR 200 in total and it is a kinda big hassle, but I just do not want to give in; I will have my own way, digging my heels in. I do not want to admit, but I have to, that this sort of mentality or system might have enabled them to produce that awesome art and food, well however, even if so, that is quite another matter. It really is a shame that I did not learn Italian at all, they sometimes understand French, though.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

beer thing

Somehow the long nasty discussion whether the non-alcoholic beer is halal or not (in my opinion, it is not because it contains some alcohol) came up with me today and I wondered if the Japanese brewers are marketing well overseas out there with a bunch of wonderful non-alcoholic beer (literally with 0.00 percent alcohol), which was newly developed around two years ago and still keeps being improved. Aside from the judgment if this beer-taste-soft drink has even a possibility to be called haram (because it really does not matter to me), now it is a big question why they do not try to sell them in this white-colored region . I was unable to get interested at all in the brewer industry during the last job hunting season, so I have no knowledge on it, however, it really is obvious that they do not market this sort of beer globally for present (Japanese industries are usually notoriously bad at globalizing their market even when they apparently get a good chance), because I could not find any fatwa concerning this truly 0.00 percent-alcohol-beer-taste drink (please let me know if any!). It is not always drunk as an alternative to alcoholic beer, not like the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore states above, so the first point they mentioned might not be cogent enough. (I can say nothing about the second point, though.) Well, this reminded me that once a friend of mine has even refused to have a glass of mugicha because he believed it possibly might have been haram. Back to the beer-like-juice itself, ALL FREE would be one of the list, which SUNTORY has invented as the one with no alcohol, no calorie (this is awesome) and no suger. I wonder who can call this "beer".

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


- お気に入りの人にお気に入りと言われたら嬉しい。てかすごく嬉しい。
(後日談:リアクションが難しい。友愛ですか鳩山ですかみたいな自レス、まじbad job。百人百通りの答えが出る名お題だ。「Q.お気に入りの人にお気に入りと言われました。あなたは何と答えますか?」センス丸見え。駆け引きもろ出し。)

- 血眼になって探しても絶対出てこない在りし日の記憶も愛しいが、「この番組はフィクションです」って言えたらどんなに楽か知れない出来事も人生のスパイス・・・ということで、フィクション化したい投稿も事実も全部残してあるのは、私がfreakyだからでは、ない?はず。

- I like what I'm doing (I've been doing/I do/I did, etc)って言うじゃん。そりゃ何と嘯こうと最終的に自分を本当の意味で認められるの自分だけだし。でもこの発想日本語にはあんまない気が。欧米の新卒就職からして、採るほうも採られるほうも何をして何ができるかをちゃんと重視する。日本はポテンシャル採用結構、ジェネラリスト養成結構、先入観はダメよ忠言結構、知識や経験は饅頭の表皮で大事なのは餡子のコア!忠言結構!!別にそれが日本文化ですってなら結構だが、スペシャリストが各界で不足してる背景はここに起因・・・ま、だからと言ってやたらGPA,GPAと馬鹿の一つ覚えに点取り虫化してるある種の非日本における学生メンタリティーもどうかと思うけどね、と自己正当化。

- 愛の反対は無関心って言うじゃん、でもその二者間のabyssってか断絶、溝って、簡単に転化することもあるかも知れないけど、すんごい深いことに気づかされる。愛とは言わずとも、興味がある・もっと話したいと思う・会いたいと思うetcと、そうでない状態(=目の前に立つ人が何をしてきたか何を考えてるか「全く全く」興味が持てない、話をするのも億劫、苦痛)の間ね。興味が持てないってのは末期症状で、どうしても持てないことがあり。はいはい所詮類友ですよ、世界観狭いですよって開き直る勇気までは幸か不幸かまだないけど。

- シリアvs.日本!サッカーにも勝ち負けにも興味ないけど、少なくとも11人(だよね?サッカーは)のシリア人と11人の日本人がフィールドで交じり合う+テレビ等観戦される・・・って異常事態に、何か、手書きの古い日記を全世界(シリア人と我が同胞)に公開するような痒さがある。

Saturday, January 8, 2011





湯たんぽに足乗っけて、ワインを温めてたまに紅茶と混ぜて(歯に色が付くから速攻で磨く)、適当に音楽流して、顔保湿しながら、ほへーっとする0時前後が一番好き。こういう時間が取れるくらいに生活してるとき私の健康状態は良好。الحمد لله

Merry Christmas to Coptic Christians, جمعة مبارك للمسلمين , 我ら花金wと七草。

Monday, January 3, 2011






---The annual conference between the Islamic world and Japan this year is going to be held in Abu Dhabi on Mar. 2011! I have already sent them my C.V. and a kinda SOP and all I need to do now is to cross my fingers and tows for myself to be selected and allowed to chose from where and when I will come back after that by the free flight ticket as I wish! (I guess I could be when it comes to think about the one of 2009 I attended by chance in Kuwait) Then I might be able to fly to see my friends in Syria, Turkey, Kuwait, etc, probably from Dubai. Okay, this motivates me well enough to dive into the hell of finals. Wish me luck!

Saturday, January 1, 2011



---ひとりでにそうなったのではない。手を貸す。one of themにさえなれない。特定の何かにも。彷徨っててもいいか。罪は被る。



To all my dearest readers, Happy New Year! Although nothing really matters to us just by turning a new page of Gregorian Calendar, it is still a good opportunity to wish you all happiness. May this New Year bring newly found prosperity, love, happiness and delight in your each life.


