Thursday, January 15, 2009


The seasonal Diwaniya
Published Date: June 27, 2008 By Hussain Al-Qatari

This is what you will see: empty and half-empty bags of junk food, cigarette butts, ashtrays, empty cans of soft drinks (occasionally used as ashtrays). Socks - smelly, balled up and thrown to the side of the room, their reek mixing with the air already thick with smoke, with a trace of perfume or aftershave. This, unmistakably, is the room where young men spend a lot of their time in the summer, escaping the heat and trying to defeat the boredom. These are 'Diwaniyas', but of a different kind.

Diwaniyas figure as a main pillar in Kuwaiti life. Their existence distinguishes Kuwait from any other country in the Gulf region. They take the role of political forums set by the people of the country to discuss their concerns, and throughout the history of Kuwait they have proven their influence more than once.

While they reach their highest climax during political crisis, a sub-category flourishes during the season of summer, when Kuwaitis flock to their favorite summertime destinations, and expatriates go back to their homelands, and the once-packed streets become gradually empty. The search for entertainment occupies every Kuwaiti youth then.

For a good majority, the answer to this quest is found in Diwaniyas. The Diwaniyas fo the youth are not actual Diwaniyas - they are rather quasi-Diwaniyas. Despite the fact that they are crowned with the title 'Diwaniya', they differ hugely. The only similarity that they share with actual Diwaniyas is that they are strictly for males. These Diwaniya replicas are usually the hangout of young men in their late teens and early to mid twenties -- although some of them might include some 'seniors'.

This kind of Diwaniya is more than a hangout place, though. It is a phase that every young man goes through as he grows up. It is the attempt of youngsters to imitate the community of the elders, but the young version is vibrant with its own features. Generally, it is more laidback and relaxed, and is free from the stress of politics, although the subject may arise occasionally.

What you can do

The things that one does inside a Diwaniya are unlimited, but there are a few things that are essential. They include: two decks at least of cards, a video game console, a DVD player, a subscription to the exclusive broadcasters of any current soccer tournaments. Soccer is usually a huge attraction in Diwaniyas, with plasma screens that give a similar feeling of a soccer field. Aside from pure entertainment, you can boast about your latest escapades and share the latest dirties secrets - not of yourself, but of others (we don't like to call it gossip - it usually comes out dressed as a series of complaints and announcements of new discoveries). You can also be there just for the Internet access, or to get help from The Nerd with your homework, if you have any.

When you can go

Generally speaking, you do not ask 'when' when you want to go to a Diwaniya. You just go. The doors of a Diwaniya are usually open all day long, all week long, all month long -- and all year long. Do not make yourself a stranger. If you have been invited there once, then you have unlimited access to the place-and to everything inside the place. You can raid the mini-fridge, watch anything from the large variety of DVDs, choose among numerous video games and do whatever makes you happy. Once inside the Diwaniya, you do not have to leave unless you want to. There's no such thing as 'time to go'. All necessary facilities are available: wireless Internet connection, telephone, bathroom, you name it. Spare blankets and pillows are usually available on demand, unless you carry your own sleep bag in your car.

What you can talk about

Talking depends on the different kinds of people in the Diwaniya. Diwaniyas usually have a diversity of people and opinions, each an expert in their own field. That in turn allows for many subject s to be tackled. Generally, it all depends on when you talk about whatever you want to talk about, and with whom you open the subject. If you speak to The Philandering Womanizer about his views on the current political state, you have committed a grave mistake. You are bound to expect a very graphic answer that may or may not have anything to do with your question. If you speak to The Geek, expect an answer in tech gibberish. Coarse language is almost mandatory. You will hear a lot of creative combinations of curse words in different situations. The key point is to try to be present with an open mind.

Strangers' treatment

New faces appear regularly, but only a few of them leave the status of 'new' and become 'regular', forming therefore a strongly-bound small community of Diwaniya members. If you happen to be the new face, then prepare to be probed. Older Diwaniya members will find it necessary to test you and determine what kind of person you are. The criteria that decides the result differ depending on those who are quizzing you. To some, it is your ability to formulate funny punch lines and your idea of what actually is a funny line. To others, it's the amount of resilience you show towards the jokes that are directed to you. Your job and educational level rarely matters, and while there, do not expect people to have great interest in what you do for a living, your dissertation subject, your idea of a great epic work of literature or your acquaintance with symptoms of psychological disorders. It's not an ivory tower; it's a Diwaniya. Being there should not require much mental effort. You are there to enjoy your stress-free time.







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