Saturday, November 28, 2009

Book List

Note: what I have read recently and should read right now

*イスラーム原理主義の「道しるべ」 : 発禁・"アルカイダの教本"全訳+解説 / サイイド・クトゥブ著 ; 岡島稔, 座喜純訳・解説معالم في الطريق / سيد قطب
*ジハードとフィトナ : イスラム精神の戦い / ジル・ケペル著 ; 早良哲夫訳,Fitna : guerre au cœur del'islam,Kepel, Gilles
*アル・カーイダと西欧 : 打ち砕かれた「西欧的近代化への野望」 / ジョン・グレイ著 ; 金利光訳,Al Qaeda and what it means to be modern, Gray, John
*America in an Arab mirror, Kamal Abdel-Malek
*統治の諸規則 / アル=マーワルディー著 ; 湯川武訳 الأحكام السلطانية والولايات الدينية أبو الحسن الماوردي
*シャリーアによる統治 : イスラーム政治論 / イブン・タイミーヤ [著] ; 湯川武, 中田考共訳السياسة الشريعة, أحمد ابن تيمية
*نقد الخطاب الديني, نصر حامد أبو زيد (لكن لا يوجد في مكتبة جامعتي...للأسف

If I find time,
*テヘランでロリータを読む / アーザル・ナフィーシー著 ; 市川恵里訳, Reading Lolita in Tehran

*The Qur'an, Bruce Lawrence
*Islam, Malise Ruthven (I like the author's attitude)


[-_-] said...

hmm.. nice list.

and another hmm:

soissoimeme said...

Realistically and unfortunately, this result shows human being's nature. In fact, I don't want to see so many minarets (churches or synagogues too) around me in Japan. I never refuse, deny or ban them, but I feel like that.

[-_-] said...

Well the whole Swiss has only 4 minarets... that is not so many, is not it ?

Also I think if there are enough believers of a religion, building or letting the believers to build their temples (mosques, churches, shrines etc) is a duty to the state.

If I had Christian neighbors; I'd support them to have a place to pray nearby.

And if theres a Buddhist in Bilkent and if he or she wants to have a temple; its the University's duty to build or share a place as a small temple for the believers.

And if the Buddhist believers rise in numbers (eg over a thousand) in Bilkent or anywhere else; you'd see me supporting of building a 'real' size temple nearby.

I'd be glad if we (Turkey) had millions of Christians and Jews as we (Ottomans) had before. I dislike (and hate) homogene societies. I'd so happy to live in a city with lots of mosques, churches, synagogues and even shrines and temples of philosophical religions such as Buddhism and Confucianism.

That is the only way for a society to really achive 'development' and reach the state of peace. Only when we learn to respect other's believes and we support and work for 'other's freedom of belief; the world would become a livable place.

And I agree with you. This multi-cultural and multi-religional community does not have to start within Japan or Swiss. It has to begin growing within Turkey. Instead of waiting for 'other' communities to give us (muslims) legal rights; we should give our non-Muslim brothers and sisters their rights and chances.

After the unfortunate decades at 'freedom of religions'; I think, Turkey is returning to her roots. While they're banning minarets in Swiss; Turkey's people are judging their near-past (1940s, 50s...) and trying to rebuild a 'really' equal society (religiously and ethnically).

Who knows.. That may fail and the world may need another 20-25 years to achive that point. If I would be alive at that time, I'd be fighting for it in a peaceful way (:

Offtopic: Huh, I know I talk about Turkey a lot. But since I live here, thats normal, is not it? Im sure I'd be talking about Kazakhstan if I were a Kazakh (:

soissoimeme said...

I totally agree with you. Turkey has THE role from every views. Maybe you're the one who has to deal with the matter officially or unofficially in the future.