Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Back from a kind of 飲み会(drinking party) over 焼肉(Korean-style grilled meat)@水道橋 with a personnel manager who deals with 内定者 from national universities and a member at overseas power project to explain us, four students (2 BA of science@u of tokyo,1 MS@titech and me), what he is really doing exactly. I am getting used to see the entertainments at exclusive restaurants (45.000yen for 6 members this time!), but I think I should give my liver a rest once or twice a week. I have to keep this figure of mine at least (I should not lose my figure like I did in Kuwait and Syria).

How nice it is to cancel a subscription of NIKKEI (economical paper) before it expires, to throw away the brochures of companies and to contact those who I have not got in touch with for years (I am just planning to get together some alumni (especially several good friends) at the class at the time of 2nd grade of high school. Most of them have got started their career this spring, so I hope now is a good chance to see, but I have no idea if it succeeds or not! 高校生の私に会いたい最近。彼女は今の私を何て言うかな。I might be able to see myself of a high school student by meeting them up. I wonder what she would say to me. イタイ過去は忘れて思い出は美化したいけど、20歳前後(今も?特に私)ってそもそも全てがイタイ).
