Monday, August 18, 2008

The Real Reason

外務省に行って公証認定を受けようと意気込んで上野に着き、日比谷線に乗ろうとしたら財布を持ってきていないことに気づき、断念して今こうして大学に来てしまっているのだが、財布を忘れる人って世間にはどれくらいいらっしゃるのかと思う。私は希少生物なのかそうでもないのか。いずれにせよ、休学届をゲット。9月に担当教授と面接。留学志望動機を添えて。Let me think in English. Why did I think that I wanted to learn Arabic more in Kuwait, taking a risk of a year's leave of absence? Am I really interested in them and determined to make my career related to those fields? If I keep up appearances on the interview like my state of purpose that I submitted, I can surely show how "serious" and "enthusiastic" I am on it, but...I am still not sure what I am really thinking. Probably I just wanted to do something unusual and different from other students around me on the pretext of "Arabic" or "Middle East", pretending to have a good understanding on it, and escape from Japan and my gloomy 3rd year at university at which we have to decide what we should be or do and get into the line of "shukatsu". Anyway, it is true that I should not say things like this on the interview with professors to permit my study in Kuwait. Hmm.







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